Race Mixture among Northeastern Brazilian Populations

Race Mixture among Northeastern Brazilian Populations

American Anthropologist
Volume 64, Issue 4 (August 1962)
pages 751–759
DOI: 10.1525/aa.1962.64.4.02a00050

P. H. Saldanha
Laboratória de Genética Humana
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Northeastern Brazilian populations are extremely interesting for racial studies. These populations are derived from the intermixture of Negroes, Whites (Portuguese), and Indians and seem to be very stable ethnic groups of which representatives are promptly recognizable because of their unique physical appearances. The “Nordestino” populations inhabit a very hostile region, arid almost throughout the year. Because of the poor conditions there, they often emigrate to southern regions of the country. The emigration flow of “Nordestino” is fairly organized, and migrants stay some days at the State Hostelry in São Paulo before they are directed to job centers.

About one year ago an investigation of blood groups, simple genetical traits, physical measurements, and other anthropological characteristics of “Nordestino” immigrants was initiated by two laboratories in the State of São Paulo. A preliminary report of these investigations will be published elsewhere. The present paper is concerned with some general problems of race admixture.

Read the entire article here.
