Challenges for ‘Mixed-Race’ Events

I think balancing personal experience and personal stories with an understanding of our past and also scholarly work and research… finding a balance between those.  Because that we find that people who are really interested in the emotional/personal stories tend to not have a lot of background information.  And then we find vice-versa, that the people who are really experts in history don’t know how to get on the Internet. So yes, and for stories especially… We have a lot of people really interested in storytelling but have no background in context. So we need historians who can find a way to make their information interesting to young people.

Fanshen Cox, “Community-Based Multiracial Movements: Learning from the Past, Looking toward the Future” (roundtable discussion at the Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, November 5-6, 2010).

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