In actuality, Lucy Parsons seemed to be holistically embracing her complete ethnic heritage, not merely a fraction of it.

In hindsight, onlookers often accuse Lucy Parsons of negating her African heritage for a seemingly more desirable ethnic identity. There is a sense, especially within the modern African American community, that a person of color self-labeling anything other than exclusively Black is virtually treasonous and committing a form of identity denial and self-hate. Criticism of notable individuals such as Barack Obama, Tiger Woods and others exemplify this sentiment of betrayal. In actuality, Lucy Parsons seemed to be holistically embracing her complete ethnic heritage, not merely a fraction of it. Therefore, the question must ultimately be posed as to how the legacy of those early externally defined racial and ethnic designations can provide a better consideration of multiracial designations in contemporary times…

Michelle Diane Wright, “Confounding Identity: Exploring the Life and Discourse of Lucy E. Parsons,” Berks Conference for Women Historians, 2011, 29 pages.

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