How Understanding Interracial Families Contributes to Our Understanding of Race and Family

How Understanding Interracial Families Contributes to Our Understanding of Race and Family

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association
Montreal Convention Center
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

22 pages

Jessica Mills

In family sociology, racial differences have long been viewed as a defining feature of family life. Yet, the treatment of the family/race relationship in mainstream sociology has had major limitations. Many family scholars today are challenging the conventional wisdom about race and the family.  Their approaches to the matter of racial differences in family life have begun to refocus the family field.  This paper will provide a brief retrospective and prospective view of contemporary thought, analysis, and supporting research in the family field. It will also synthesize current sociological work on interracial families and assess its usefulness for advancing both family studies and the field of race.

Read the entire paper here.
