The Mulatto (hybrid) is in thirty states of this union, an illegitimate product.

The Mulatto (hybrid) is in thirty states of this union, an illegitimate product. And, to the honest student of ethnology, this restriction is a wise one, for it is in accordance with a great law of nature, which cannot be violated with impunity. The tendency of this hybrid is to run out unless crossed with the parent stock on either side, and there is high authority for a belief that “inter se” the mulattos are not fertile beyond the third generation. At best their children are less able to resist disease than those of either pure type. Thus, indeed, are the sins of the parent visited upon the children unto the third generation.

Jos. A. Roberts, The Race Conflict in Southern States: An Ethnological Study of the Original Types and the Effects of Hybridity (Savannah: 1899), 2. (Source: OpenLibrary)
