Race is a true lie and a social construction.

Race is a true lie and a social construction. The meaning of race, and how different people are located within its shifting boundaries and categories, is a function of the politics of the moment, and the type of “social work” that race does in a given society.

Chauncey DeVega, “He Really Just Wants to be the ‘Brown Paper Bag Test Referee’ for Black Folks: Ironically, Tim Graham is More Right Than Wrong in His Insight About Karen Finney and the One-Drop Rule,” We Are Respectable Negroes: Happy Non-Threatening Coloured Folks, Even in the Age of Obama. (April 3, 2013). http://wearerespectablenegroes.blogspot.com/2013/04/he-really-wants-to-be-brown-bag-test.html

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