Asian, White, multiethnic, multiracial, mixed-race, interracial, biracial!

Asian, White, multiethnic, multiracial, mixed-race, interracial, biracial!


Michele Chan, Master Candidate
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Do any of these labels resonate with you? If so, maybe you would like to participate in a research study about multiracial Asian Americans.

We are seeking participants to participate in a study about the experiences of multiracial Asian Americans. In order to participate, we ask that you are:

  1. Aged 18 to aged 44
  2. Currently live in the U.S.
  3. Have one biological parent who is racially White and another biological parent who is racially Asian

We are very interested in hearing about your unique experiences as an individual with both Asian and White heritages.

Please consider completing our short, online survey, which will take no more than 30 minutes to finish. To take the survey, click here.

In return for your participation, you may choose to enter into a drawing to win a $20 dollar gift card to Target.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the investigators:

Thank you.

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