Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children in Early Childhood Settings

Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children in Early Childhood Settings

Early Childhood Education Journal
Issue Volume 26, Number 1 (September, 1998)
Pages 7-11
Print ISSN 1082-3301; Online ISSN: 1573-1707
DOI 10.1023/A:1022974423276

Francis Wardle

Early childhood programs have been in the forefront of implementing a multiracial curriculum. Early childhood educators need to extend these approaches to support and embrace multiracial and multiethnic children. These are children whose biological parents crossed traditional U.S. Census categories to have children. To meet the unique needs of these children and their families, early childhood educators need to engage in staff training, provide classroom materials, work closely with parents, and challenge the single race approach to multicultural education.

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