The Meaning of Style: Black British Style, and the underlying political and social environment

The Meaning of Style: Black British Style, and the underlying political and social environment

New Art Exchange
Nottingham, England
2010-01-16 through 2010-04-10
Monday to Friday 10:00-19:00 BT; Saturday 10:00-17:00 BT
Admission:  Free


Vanley Burke (Photography)
Clement Cooper (Photography) [Includes a selection of prints from the DEEP Project]
Michael Forbes (Photography)
Gerard Hanson (Painting / Photography)
Barbara Walker (Painting / Drawing)
Curated By:

David Schischka Thomas

New Art Exchange presents an exhibition exploring the presence of young African Caribbean men in Britain over the last 40 years, and how Black music, fashion and culture have influenced mainstream society.

Young African Caribbean men have often been portrayed as low achievers and perpetrators of crime in British society. But now, with Barack Obama winning the presidency of the biggest superpower in the world, will we see these same young men portrayed in a different light; as a source of huge potential for the future? Will the achievement of black youth in Britain over the last 40 years be recognised and honoured?

Read the complete description here.

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