Ethnic identity of biracial individuals with one Asian parent

Ethnic identity of biracial individuals with one Asian parent

California State University, Long Beach
66 pages
Publication Number: AAT 1437924
ISBN: 9780542893049

Christina A. Nguyen

A Thesis Presented to the Department of Social Work, California State University, Long Beach In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Social Work

The purpose of this study was to examine ethnic identity of biracial, Asian individuals. Level of exposure to Asian culture of biracial Asian individuals was examined to find if there was a significant difference between males and females and with which parent he/she identified more strongly (i.e., Asian parent vs. other parent) and how they were influenced by their Asian culture. Self-administered surveys were gathered from a sample of 32 biracial, Asian individuals.

Results indicated that there was no significant difference between males and females and their levels of exposure to their Asian culture. However, results did indicate that males identified with their Asian parent more often than their female counterparts. Overall, most respondents felt accepted by their Asian community. Implications for social work practices and recommendations for future research were also addressed.

Purchase the thesis here.

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