WATCH: Jesse Williams of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ on Race

Posted in Articles, History, Law, Media Archive, Politics/Public Policy, United States, Videos on 2014-12-28 03:43Z by Steven

WATCH: Jesse Williams of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ on Race


Paul Farrell, Breaking News Editor

Actor Jesse Williams appears in a viral video that was published on December 17. The Grey’s Anatomy star take aim at racism and double standards in America, including public housing discrimination, specifically in Chicago.

The star goes on to discuss the logic behind the argument that Michael Brown robbed a store and therefore deserved to be shot, versus the argument about whether corrupt Goldman Sachs bankers also deserve violence.

Williams is mixed-race, the son of an African-American father and a Swedish-American mother. In the video, he states, “Half of my family is white.” He also says, “I’m as white as you can get as a black person.”…

Read the entire article here.

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