“Obama’s People”: A New Identity for Biracials and Mixed Heritage

Posted in Barack Obama, Books, Family/Parenting, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Monographs, Social Science, United States on 2010-01-13 02:44Z by Steven

“Obama’s People”: A New Identity for Biracials and Mixed Heritage

Xlibris Press
102 Pages
ISBN: 1-4363-9510-0 (Trade Paperback 6×9 )
ISBN13: 978-1-4363-9510-6 (Trade Paperback 6×9 )
ISBN: 1-4363-9511-9 (Trade Hardback 6×9 )
ISBN13: 978-1-4363-9511-3 (Trade Hardback 6×9 )

Phillip MacFarland

Since President Barack Obama is from a biracial heritage and is now the leader of the free world, he has become an icon for the biracial and mixed person’s ethnic and national identity. The author, also of biracial heritage, illuminates the reader on how he and other Americans of mixed heritage are now,more than ever, proud to be an American. Having high self-esteem,and a challenging, but bright future.Whether one is White, Black, Asian, Latino, Native American or mixed…  President Obama represents all of us. As Americans, we will continue making important contributions to America and the world,with determination and a model for success….Yes We Can! and Yes We Are!… “Obama´s People.”

Read an excerpt here.

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