Posted in Articles, Media Archive on 2017-02-05 19:28Z by Steven


The New York Times
Thursday, 1885-05-14
Page 8, column 5

A few days ago passengers waiting in the New-Haven Railroad rooms at the Grand Central Station were surprised at the attention paid a young white woman by a colored man, who was dressed in the height of fashion. They were more surprised to see the couple kiss each other good-bye when the woman went to take a train. The colored man appeared yesterday in the little village of Harrison, Westchester County, attired in a handsome suit of broadcloth, with white vest,, white necktie, and buff kid gloves. He inquired for the Matthews mansion, which is one of the finest dwellings in Westchester County, and went there. He was met at the house by the woman from whom he had parted at the Grand Central Station. She was a waitress in the Matthews family, and a general favorite. Her name was Lizzie Connor. She introduced the new arrival to her mistress as her husband, Titus Poole, and said they were about to depart together. The couple walked to the railway station, about a mile distant, where they purchased tickets for Mount Vernon. At that station they took the stage to Yonkers, where they said they intended to live. The woman is about 22 years of age and her husband is 36.

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