Slaves Imported from Africa…

Posted in Excerpts/Quotes, History, Slavery on 2009-11-12 02:55Z by Steven

The slaves imported from Africa by no means represented “pure Negro races.”  Of the original tribal stocks, many had admixture of Caucasoid genes from crosses with Mediterranean peoples.   During the slave trade more white genes were added.  The Portuguese who settled on the Guinea Coast had relations with the natives.  The slave traders themselves were known frequently to have had promiscuous intercourse with their female merchandise.

Spencer, Rainier. “New Racial Identities, Old Arguments: Continuing Biological Reification”, In Mixed Messages: Multiracial Identities in the “Color-Blind” Era, edited by David L. Brunsma, 89.  Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2006.  Originally published in Myrdal G., R. Sterner, and A. M. Rose.  1944.  An American Dilema.  New York: Harper and Row, 123.

Is Parental Love Colorblind? Allocation of Resources within Mixed-Race Families (Preliminary Version)

Posted in Brazil, Family/Parenting, Media Archive, Papers/Presentations, Social Science on 2009-11-12 02:31Z by Steven

Is Parental Love Colorblind? Allocation of Resources within Mixed-Race Families (Preliminary Version)

Prepared for the Labor and Population Workshop,
Department of Economics, Yale University
May, 2007
53 pages

Marcos A. Rangel, Assistant Professor
Harris School of Public Policy Studies
University of Chicago

Recent studies have shown that differences in wage-determinant skills between blacks and whites are likely to emerge during a child’s infancy. These findings highlight the role of parental investment decisions and suggest that differences in labor income tend to persist across generations, either because minority parents are limited in their choices, or because they have relatively negative expectations regarding the rewards attached to investments in skills. Exploring the genetics of skin-color determination and the widespread incidence of mixed-race families in Brazil, I present evidence that, controlling for observed and unobserved parental characteristics, light-skinned children are more likely to receive investments in formal education than their dark-skinned siblings. Even though not denying the importance of borrowing constraints (or other ancestry effects), this suggests that parental expectations regarding differences in the return to human capital investments may play an independent role on the persistence of earnings differentials.

Read the entire working paper here or here.


Conversation with Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Streets

Posted in Articles, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Religion, Slavery, Social Science, United States on 2009-11-12 02:19Z by Steven

Conversation with Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Streets

The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance & Abolition
Yale University

Frederick J. Streets, University Chaplain and Senior Pastor
Church of Christ, Yale University

A conversation with Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Streets, University Chaplain and Senior Pastor of the Church of Christ, Yale University.

Dr. Streets spoke about race in America. He discussed the resistance to thinking about shared history that black and white Americans might feel. He suggested several reasons for the resistance…

…On mixed racial heritage:

(Dr. Streets is an African American of mixed heritage.)

I grew up identifying with African Americans by color while learning the Polish traditions of my maternal grandmother.

I think that acknowledging one’s mixed heritage is a rebuttal to two ideas about race. One is the linking of mixed heritage to slavery. The second is the idea of racial purity.

African Americans reject their white heritage as the story of slavery. White Americans believe that their heritage carries no genes of color. The great divide between black and white Americans is mythical and destructive.

Neither groups wants to acknowledge their mixed ancestry because a mixed racial heritage furthers the destruction of separate racial identity. As blacks begin to examine their roots, they find a confusion of identity…

Read the entire article here.

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An Unexpected Blackness

Posted in Articles, Canada, Identity Development/Psychology, New Media, Social Science on 2009-11-12 02:07Z by Steven

An Unexpected Blackness

Transition: An International Review
Feb 2009
No. 100
Pages 112-132

Naomi Pabst, Assistant Professor of African American Studies and American Studies
Yale University

What does it mean to be of African descent while residing in Canada, where the hypodescent rule does not hold sway?  Naomi Pabst reflects upon the complexity of life for people of color regarded as neither, nor.

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