My greatest challenge in writing this book has been to present the information in a way that does not accelerate racism…

My greatest challenge in writing this book has been to present the information in a way that does not accelerate racism.  To avoid this, I talked with experts such as Randy Lindsey and Glenn Singleton. Mr. Singleton asked me to consider this question when I wrote the book: “What accelerates racism when dealing with the topic of multiraciality?” I used this question as a guide to my thinking and writing. Additionally, I read and reread Rainier Spencer’s outstanding book Challenging Multiracial Identities in the hopes of better understanding this complex topic. His question “How do we move away from the fallacy of race while remaining aggressive in the battle against racism?” was another idea I used to guide my work. This book is what I now know I know.

Bonnie M. Davis, The Biracial and Multiracial Student Experience: A Journey to Racial Literacy, (Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2009), xiii.

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