Mixed-Race School-Age Children: A Summary of Census 2000 Data

Mixed-Race School-Age Children: A Summary of Census 2000 Data

Educational Researcher
Volume 32, Number 6 (2003)
pages 25-37
DOI: 10.3102/0013189X032006025

Alejandra M. Lopez-Torkos, Social Scientist
SRI International

On the 2000 Census, people were allowed to identify themselves and their children by more than one race. This article examines these data to document the mixed-race population of children in the United States. Using data from California as an example, I consider various methods for tabulating or “counting” multiple-response race data, noting the impact of each strategy on demographic conclusions. I also discuss how federal guidelines on race classification will influence the collection and organization of race data in the field of education. Given the increasing prevalence of mixed-race youth, it is critical that we examine our ways of talking about and studying race and ethnicity in schools, allowing for fluidity and multiplicity in racial-ethnic identification.

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