Audio: History professor discusses census

Audio: History professor discusses census

The Daily Collegian
Published Independently by the students at Penn State

Eddie Lau

Interview with

Grace Delgado, Assistant Professor of History
Pennsylvania State University

Associate Professor of History Grace Delgado, who specializes in Chicano history, said the U.S. census is not sensitive enough to mix-raced residents. She said having mixed-race residents to label themselves as “white,” “black, African-American or negro” or some other categories they don’t belong is not the best approach.

However, despite the fact that the wordings and categorizations in the census form are not perfect, Delgado encouraged all Penn State students to fill out the form. She said the best option right now is to check “some other race” in Question 9 and print their race in the given box.

To listen to the short interview, click here.

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