Thus, in the course of a few generations more, the English blood will become so contaminated with the mixture… as even to reach the middle, and then the higher orders of the people.

Posted in Excerpts/Quotes on 2013-03-16 18:44Z by Steven

The lower class of women in England, are remarkably fond of the blacks, for reasons too brutal to mention; they would connect themselves with horses and asses if the laws permitted them. By these ladies they generally have a numerous brood. Thus, in the course of a few generations more, the English blood will become so contaminated with the mixture . . . as even to reach the middle, and then the higher orders of the people.

Edward Long, Candid Reflections Upon the Judgement Lately Awarded by the Court of King’s Bench, in Westminster-Hall, on What Is Commonly Called the Negroe-Cause, By a Planter (1772).

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